Friday, December 27, 2019

Women During The Civil War Essay - 1537 Words

Once upon a time in a world dominated by men, women had been forced to comply with society s blinding notion that they were pieces of property meant to play the domesticated role of a dutiful housewife. This was true up until the late 1840s when women began to realize their worth was so much more than a floor-moping, dinner-making, stain-bleaching slave to six children and an ungrateful husband. That may sound rash and some situations may have been different, but before the civil war these women did not have the opportunities to be properly educated like men. Courageously strong women, over time, from the early 1800s up until the 1920s and counting, such as Elizabeth Stanton, Susan B. Anthony, Sojourner Truth, Betty Friedan and Gloria Steinem have all become recognized for their dedication and persistence in bringing about changes in defending the rights of women and suppressing the bias against gender equality thus paving the road of feminism. However, even in today’s world a nti-feministic backlashes are still occurring in the sense of politics, workplace, and society. The bestselling author and journalist, Susan Faludi, wrote a book called Backlash: The Undeclared War Against American Women. Her book focuses on the progression of feminism, crushing myths in the media, and the statistical realities of women s stance in this world (Faludi 2). â€Å"Feminism can be defined as the advocacy of women’s rights on the grounds of political, social and economic equality to men† (OxfordShow MoreRelatedWomen During The Civil War1049 Words   |  5 PagesFor Civil War women in the 1860s it was predictable wisdom that a â€Å"woman’s place is in the home,† but the Civil War challenged this view. There were many women who played an important role in the Civil War. It is normal to think the Civil War was a man’s fight. However during the war, many women challenged the role of the women and took on different roles. While the men marched off to war, the women had to work hard and try to provide for their families. Women became do ctors, spies, nurses, couriersRead MoreWomen During The Civil War1523 Words   |  7 Pagesthe Civil War, some of the more notable names were: Ulysses S. Grant, Thomas â€Å"Stonewall† Jackson, and George Custer. These names are synonymous with great generals who fought great battles during the war, but what about Sarah Emma Edmonds, Clara Burton, Dorthea Dix, Rose O’Neal Greenhow, and Loreta Janeta Velazquez? These names are not as known as their male counterparts, but these ladies of the Civil War Era did their part to aide their respective sides in the war. What these and other women didRead MoreWomen During The Civil War1388 Words   |  6 PagesThe Civil War altered the lives of women, in both the North and South, just as it altered the nation as a whole. Although it is irrefutable that both the North and the South felt the wrath of the war, the South encountered a unique set of troubles that caused the weight of the war to fall predominantly on Southern women. Attempting to understand the experiences of all Southern women during the Civil War does not come without its challenges. It is impossible to connect the stories and experiencesRead MoreWomen During The Civil War1400 Words   |  6 PagesThe Civil War has often been referred to as the war between brothers, but when the war started women were still expected to stay at home and take care of the house and children, with little to no income. Many stories that originated from the Civil War talk about the battlefront and not the home front. This leaves us wondering what the spouses of the soldiers did to survive, especially if they had multiple children in the home. We do not know what women did during the war and if they had any impactRead MoreWomen During The Civil War2024 Words   |  9 PagesIn the 1860’s, American society during the war was of two minds. To fully illustrate the discontent and anger felt for the war, analysis of the personal accounts of women during the Ci vil War will be introduced in this writing. The personal accounts include diary excerpts and letters, as well as an illustration produced at the time of the war. The wavering of unity on both the South and North due to the separation of family and the destruction of the United States and its individuals set the toneRead MoreWomen During The Civil War2226 Words   |  9 Pagesof women in society have always been a topic for debate. Some think women should be in the kitchen cooking meal and having lots children. Others feel that women can contribute to society in ways that are not a part of the family home, but outside the in board rooms and operating rooms. This paper is going to argue how chauvinistic thoughts of women helped propel the female gender into great spies during the civil war. During the era of the civil war attitudes of women spying during a war wasRead MoreWomen During The Civil War Essay1540 Words   |  7 Pagesworld dominated by men, women had been forced to c omply with society s blinding notion that they were pieces of property meant to play the domesticated role of a dutiful housewife. This was true up until the late 1840s when women began to realize their worth was so much more than a floor-moping, dinner-making, stain-bleaching slave to six children and an ungrateful husband. That may sound rash and some situations may have been different, but before the civil war these women did not have the opportunitiesRead MoreWomen During The Civil War3240 Words   |  13 PagesThe American Civil War was a time of pronounced racial and gender role changes. Despite political tension and fighting, many women began to hold a variety of jobs in order to make valuable contributions to the war effort. Moreover, a patriarchal government governed the effects of slavery and the economy. Nonetheless, the influence women had during the Civil War tends to be minimized, especially African American women. Despite facing discrimination, black women greatly in fluenced the war effort. TheRead MoreWomen During The Civil War997 Words   |  4 PagesMany people believe that women did not play any essential roles in our country’s history until the 1960s. However, this is not the case. Women have played many vital roles in suffrage movements as attempts to shed light upon or cure many of the ills of American society throughout American history. As an example, women fought to change the course and ideologies that were bestowed upon them by the traditional viewpoints of society of the time. The status of women was shifting rapidly in the ProgressiveRead MoreWomen During The Civil War1336 Words   |  6 Pages Women have been increasingly praised for having excellent skills for leadership. Women, more than men, manifest leadership styles associated with effective performance as leaders. However, more people prefer male than female bosses. That has made it more difficult for women to become leaders and to succeed in male-dominated leadership roles. An American woman in the workforce is often overlooked when studying the progress of American society. American women have gone through struggles

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Excersising Your Sociological Imagination - 1137 Words

Assignment #1: Exercising Your Sociological Imagination Working hard has never been a problem in my life; it s the question of Will it ever be enough, that plagues my mind. I am from London, Ohio, which is a small town twenty minutes west of Columbus. The town in which I grew up is predominantly white; blacks make up about 5% of the total population. By the standards of our society I am within that 5%, being born of a black man and a white woman. It wasn t far along in my education that I learned I started behind. Not only was I African-American but a member of the poor working class. The school system was a decent one, but it doesn t compare to that of private schools. A private Catholic High School that is twenty minutes from†¦show more content†¦Once my parents instilled upon me the importance of an education I knew I had to go to college. I chose one of the best in the country, knowing that it would be my key to a successful future. After arriving at the University of Michigan I have noticed many of the same stereotypes hold true on a said culturally diverse environment. My friends and I walk everywhere and when we do I see the faces of those in my hometown. A quick look in the face then they look away or to the ground, everywhere you go the same thing occurs. A black man is not given credit for much except being intimidating. The do-rag and backwards hat seem to scare people and in their cowardice they perpetuate all the stereotypes and notions of black people. Blacks are not expected to be here in vast numbers and if they are it was probably a mistake. Even the educated community of Michigan holds beliefs that are true of our society. I believe that if people just stopped and talked with me for a few minutes they would see how wrong they were. They could see that being educated does not apply just to the rich and white, that those who are poor or of a minority are capable of those things also. I am a poor class black man. There are certain things I am just not supposed to do or be. When you start out life behind you have to work that much harder to get ahead. I believe that our society is unjust. Those who are poor are viewed as lazy no matter how hard they work. They must

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Pre Marital Counselling free essay sample

Premarital Counselling is therapy with two people prior to their marriage, to help give them more realistic ideas of what to expect and how to cope with living with another person as a spouse; relating to each other as a committed pair. By taking the time to explore the reasons you came together, your similarities, your differences, your hopes and your dreams, as well as your expectations of one another, it is sometimes possible to avoid the disappointments that many couples face with the passage of time. Pre-marital counseling offers the opportunity to explore your differences in a relatively safe, supportive, constructive environment. And while some couples may choose to postpone their union until key differences can be resolved, most couples find that pre-marital counseling helps to prepare them for the kind of life they would like to build together. Premarital counseling can help ensure that you and your partner have a strong, healthy relationship — giving you a better chance for a stable and satisfying marriage. Premarital counseling can also help you identify weaknesses that could become bigger problems during marriage. Through premarital counseling, couples are encouraged to discuss a wide range of important and intimate topics related to marriage, such as: Finances, Communication Beliefs and values Roles in marriage Affection and sex Children amp; parenting Family relationships Decision making Dealing with anger Time spent together. The initial period of any relationship is called the honeymoon period; and after that fairytale, marriage can be a rude reality check. In most cases, quarrels over money, family and trust break a couple apart. A pre-marital session helps partners accept each other better and avoid future complications or conflict. Contrary to popular belief, pre marital counseling isn’t only for couples who are going in for an arranged marriage. It is also very important for couples who have had long courtships or have been living together. In arranged marriages, the people going to spend their life together are perpetual strangers, with no idea of what lies ahead of them. In India specifically, arranged marriages are sealed with just one word of advice for the bride â€Å"you HAVE to adjust, and you HAVE to compromise. Premarital Counselling ensures that the couple do not just â€Å"fulfill† the responsibilities of marriage for their family, but also participate in it wholly as individuals. In india marriages are seen as a ‘union of two families’ and the individuals who are supposed to spend the rest of their life together, they get lost in the entire plan. Pre Marital Counselling ensures that doesn’t happen. People who have had long courtships and have been living together, need it perhaps more than than people who’re going in on for arranged marriages . Why? Because once you’re living in with someone ,you think you know everything that there is to know about that person and marriage cant spring any surprises. But guess what? You WILL be surprised greatly by what surprises pre marital counseling will bring for you. Marriage changes the set of expectations two individuals have from each other. More issues have to be dealt with, like children, financial planning etc. Most couples spend more time planning their weddings than their marriages!. If you think about the amount of financial and emotional investment that goes into preparing for the wedding itself, doesn’t it make sense to invest a little in strengthening the relationship at the onset? Many couples preparing for marriage honestly believe they are strong going into the union – and they probably are in a lot of ways. Being caught up with all the loving feelings and other feel-good stuff going on ahead of nuptials, couples often don’t consider the potential pitfalls. Those â€Å"pitfalls† are often times what leads them into a therapist’s office some time down the line. Here six great reasons to get pre marriage counseling: 1) Strengthen Communication Skills:  Being able to effectively listen, truly hear and validate the other’s position is a skill that isn’t necessarily a â€Å"given† for many people. Couples that really communicate effectively can discuss and resolve issues when they arise more effectively. You can tune up your talking and listening skills. This is one of the most important aspects of emotional safety between couples. 2) Discuss Role Expectations:  It’s incredibly common for married couples to never really have discussed who will be doing what in the marriage. This can apply to job, finances, chores, sexual intimacy and more. Having an open and honest discussion about what each of you expect from the other in a variety of areas leads to fewer surprises and upsets down the line. 3) Learn Conflict Resolution Skills:  Nobody wants to think that they’ll have conflict in their marriage. The reality is that â€Å"conflict† can range from disagreements about who will take out the trash to emotionally charged arguments about serious issues – and this will probably be part of a couple’s story at one time or another. There are ways to effectively de-escalate conflict that are highly effective and can decrease the time spent engaged in the argument. John Gottman’s (www. gottman. com) research has shown that couples who can do this well are less likely to divorce in the end. 4) Explore Spiritual Beliefs:  For some this is not a big issue – but for others a serious one. Differing spiritual beliefs are not a problem as long as it’s been discussed and there is an understanding of how they will function in the marriage with regards to practice, beliefs, children, etc. ) Identify any Problematic Family of Origin Issues:  We learn so much of how to â€Å"be† from our parents, primary caregivers and other early influences. If one of the partners experienced a high conflict or unloving household, it can be helpful to explore that in regards to how it might play out in the marriage. Couples who have an understanding of the existence of any problematic conditioning around how relationships work are usually better at disrupting repetition of these learned behaviors. ) Develop Personal, Couple and Family Goals:  It amazes me how many married couples have never discussed their relationship goals – let alone personal or family. I honestly think it just doesn’t cross their minds! This is a long term investment together – why not put your heads together and look at how you’d like the future to look? Where do you want to be in five years? Approximately when would you like to have children? How many children? There are many areas that can be explored and it can be a fun exercise to do together. Pre marriage counseling doesn’t need to be a long process, especially if you feel you’re starting out with a very solid foundation and only need some clarifications and goal-setting. For some people who are poised to start out the marriage as a â€Å"higher conflict† couple or have deeper issues to contend with, the process could take a bit longer. Regardless, be sure to take the time to invest in your marriage as you might in the event itself. The return on your marriage investment has the potential to be life long What you can expect Premarital counseling typically includes five to seven meetings with a counselor. Often in premarital counseling, each partner is asked to separately answer a written questionnaire, known as a premarital assessment questionnaire. These questionnaires encourage partners to assess their perspectives of one another and their relationship. They can also help identify a couples strengths, weaknesses and potential problem areas. The aim is to foster awareness and discussion and encourage couples to address concerns proactively. Your counselor can help you interpret your results together, encourage you and your partner to discuss areas of common unhappiness or disagreement, and set goals to help you overcome challenges. Your counselor might also have you and your partner use a tool called a Couples Resource Map — a picture and scale of your perceived support from individual resources, relationship resources, and cultural and community resources. You and your partner will create separate maps at first. Following a discussion with your counselor about differences between the two maps, youll create one map as a couple. The purpose is to help you and your partner remember to use these resources to help manage your problems. In addition, your counselor might ask you and your partner questions to find out your unique visions for your marriage and clarify what you can do to make small, positive changes in your relationship. Keep in mind that you bring your own values, opinions and personal history into a relationship, and they might not always match your partners. In addition, many people go into marriage believing it will fulfill their social, financial, sexual and emotional needs — and thats not always the case. By discussing differences and expectations before marriage, you and your partner can better understand and support each other during marriage. Early intervention is important because the risk of divorce is highest early in marriage. In Pre marital counseling, as couples you become aware of so many issues that you never thought existed earlier between you two. Premarital counseling is a way to pull the darkness out from its hiding places so that you can turn it over in the light and see it for what it actually is. Remember, preparing for marriage involves more than choosing a wedding dress and throwing a party. Take the time to build a solid foundation for your relationship.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Though Lord Byron described William Wordsworth as crazed beyond all hope and Samuel Taylor Coleridge as a drunk Essay Example For Students

Though Lord Byron described William Wordsworth as crazed beyond all hope and Samuel Taylor Coleridge as a drunk Essay Though Lord Byron described William Wordsworth as crazed beyond all hope and Samuel Taylor Coleridge as a drunk, the two are exemplary and very important authors of the Romantic period in English literature 648. Together these authors composed a beautiful work of poems entitled Lyrical Ballads. Included in the 1802 work is a very important preface written by William Wordsworth. The preface explains the intention of authors Wordsworth and Coleridge, and more importantly, it includes Wordsworths personal opinion of the definition and criteria of poetry and of what a poet should be. Although there was some disagreement about the proper diction of a good poem, Coleridge, the lesser represented author of the two in the work, agrees with most of Wordsworths criteria. He voices his own personal opinions, however, in his Biographia Literia. In both Lyrical Ballads and Biographia Literia, the authors opinions coincide in that the definition and criteria of a poem is to be a structured and carefully planned composition that stirs passionate natural emotions in the reader and that the poet is the force directly responsible for this. We will write a custom essay on Though Lord Byron described William Wordsworth as crazed beyond all hope and Samuel Taylor Coleridge as a drunk specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now To accomplish this, a great poet must possess an intimate knowledge of nature and have close interaction with all aspects of it. Coleridge states in his Biographia Literia that the definition sought for be that of a legitimate poem, must be one the parts of which mutually support and explain each other; all in their proportion harmonizing with and supporting the purpose and known influences of metrical arrangement 481. This statement illustrates Coleridges opinion that in order to be a poem, the composition must be properly structured and composed so that all of the sentences create an identifying rhythm while still representing a single purpose. Wordsworth also speaks of the importance of purpose-focused poetry in the Preface to Lyrical Ballads, stating that in order to be a good poem, it must have behind it a worthy purpose 242. The two authors believe that a poem must have a definite direction and that the reader should be very clear as to what the poem is actually about. The authors believe that in order for a short metrical composition to be a poem, it must be organized clearly and, according to Wordsworth also thought long and lovingly about Preface 242. Passion and emotion were two subjects that typically characterizes the Romantic period. Exemplifying this, Wordsworth and Coleridge thought that the direct purpose of any poem should be to stir passion in the reader. They thought that a poem should also be a work that stirred the same feeling in the reader every time it is read as if it were being read for the first time; but that to which we return with the greatest pleasure, possesses the genuine power and claims the name of essential poetry Coleridge 473. By this meaning, after a good poem is read once, the reader should have the desire to read it many times. The passion in the reader should also be a pleasurable one, explained by Coleridge as immediate object pleasure 481. The pleasure is nicely illustrated by Coleridge in Biographia Literia in the way he speaks of the pleasure in repeating rhymes. He goes on to identify a passionate pleasure as permanent, that nothing can permanently please which does not contain in itself the reason why it is so 480-81. Wordsworth expands on this by explaining that the passion that is felt by the reader should be of natural descent because they are the general passions and thoughts and feelings of men and that we not only wish to be pleased, but to be pleased in that particular way in which we have been accustomed to be pleased Preface 249-51. The pleasures that Wordsworth was referring to man being accustomed to are those experiences that are derived from nature. Nature in this sense may be the emotion of an experience with living nature, such as a majestic observance of a mountain, or it may be in the sense of human nature, such as the natural presence of a mothers love. Coleridge explains that the reader should be carried forward, by the pleasurable activity of the mind excited by the attractions of the journey itself 481. Since the purpose of a poem is to stir passion kindred to nature, it is the duty of the poet to convey that feeling and make it immediately apparent in his composition. The poet would therefore have to be capable of being passionate and understanding nature enough to describe it in a sensible literary form. This criterion for a poet is another aspect of which Wordsworth and Coleridge are in agreement. Coleridge says the poet, described in ideal perfection, brings the whole soul of a man into activity, with the subordination of its faculties to each other, and diffuses a tone and spirit of unity that blends 482. This description is of the magnitude of passion that a poet must have in order to reach the soul, and that passion is intertwined with the soul as an emotion of it. Wordsworth writes of the poets duty of producing pleasure with a serious overtone, The poet writes under one restriction only, that of necessity, of giving immediate pleasure to a human being being possessed of that information which may be expected of him not as a lawyer, physician, mariner, but as a man 247. By this statement, Wordsworth is grouping all people together as of mankind, and more specifically as beings of nature. .u6e80f3166fb684292f67381b3abb1be3 , .u6e80f3166fb684292f67381b3abb1be3 .postImageUrl , .u6e80f3166fb684292f67381b3abb1be3 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u6e80f3166fb684292f67381b3abb1be3 , .u6e80f3166fb684292f67381b3abb1be3:hover , .u6e80f3166fb684292f67381b3abb1be3:visited , .u6e80f3166fb684292f67381b3abb1be3:active { border:0!important; } .u6e80f3166fb684292f67381b3abb1be3 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u6e80f3166fb684292f67381b3abb1be3 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u6e80f3166fb684292f67381b3abb1be3:active , .u6e80f3166fb684292f67381b3abb1be3:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u6e80f3166fb684292f67381b3abb1be3 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u6e80f3166fb684292f67381b3abb1be3 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u6e80f3166fb684292f67381b3abb1be3 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u6e80f3166fb684292f67381b3abb1be3 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u6e80f3166fb684292f67381b3abb1be3:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u6e80f3166fb684292f67381b3abb1be3 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u6e80f3166fb684292f67381b3abb1be3 .u6e80f3166fb684292f67381b3abb1be3-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u6e80f3166fb684292f67381b3abb1be3:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Blood brother review EssayThe serious overtone of this statement is elaborated on by Wordsworth in the following paragraph by replacing the description of the poets obligation to nature as a restriction to an acknowledgement of beauty 247. This is a point that Coleridge opposes, however, believing that language differs with occupation Taybi 94. To Wordsworth, the poet is a translator that communicates the passion felt by nature to the conscious mind of the reader. Passion as described by Wordsworth and Coleridge is derived most naturally from situations from common explained by Coleridge as immediate object pleasure 481. The pleasure is nicely illustrated by Coleridge in Biographia Literia in the way he speaks of the pleasure in repeating rhymes. He goes on to identify a passionate pleasure as permanent, that nothing can permanently please which does not contain in itself the reason why it is so 480-81. Wordsworth expands on this by explaining that the passion that is felt by the reader should be of natural descent because they are the general passions and thoughts and feelings of men and that we not only wish to be pleased, but to be pleased in that particular way in which we have been accustomed to be pleased Preface 249-51. The pleasures that Wordsworth was referring to man being accustomed to are those experiences that are derived from nature. Nature in this sense may be the emotion of an experience with living nature, such as a majestic observance of a mountain, or it may be in the sense of human nature, such as the natural presence of a mothers love. Coleridge explains that the reader should be carried forward, by the pleasurable activity of the mind excited by the attractions of the journey itself 481. Since the purpose of a poem is to stir passion kindred to nature, it is the duty of the poet to convey that feeling and make it immediately apparent in his composition. The poet would therefore have to be capable of being passionate and understanding nature enough to describe it in a sensible literary form. This criterion for a poet is another aspect of which Wordsworth and Coleridge are in agreement. Coleridge says the poet, described in ideal perfection, brings the whole soul of a man into activity, with the subordination of its faculties to each other, and diffuses a tone and spirit of unity that blends 482. This description is of the magnitude of passion that a poet must have in order to reach the soul, and that passion is intertwined with the soul as an emotion of it. Wordsworth writes of the poets duty of producing pleasure with a serious overtone, The poet writes under one restriction only, that of necessity, of giving immediate pleasure to a human being being possessed of that information which may be expected of him not as a lawyer, physician, mariner, but as a man 247. By this statement, Wordsworth is grouping all people together as of mankind, and more specifically as beings of nature. The serious overtone of this statement is elaborated on by Wordsworth in the following paragraph by replacing the description of the poets obligation to nature as a restriction to an acknowledgement of beauty 247. This is a point that Coleridge opposes, however, believing that language differs with occupation Taybi 94. To Wordsworth, the poet is a translator that communicates the passion felt by nature to the conscious mind of the reader. Passion as described by Wordsworth and Coleridge is derived most naturally from situations from common life Preface 241. This subject of common life in poetry is of particular importance to Wordsworth. Although of much lesser importance to Coleridge, both authors considered this as a one of the criteria of a good poem. Wordsworth chose the subject of common life because it is what he finds to be in closest association with nature. He says poetry is the image of man and nature and a homage paid to the native and naked dignity of man 247. To Wordsworth, the most important type of common life was the low and rustic life because the essential passions of the heart find a better soil in that condition, and the manners of rural life germinate from those elementary feelings 241. In other words, this type of mans feelings was more recognizable and more closely connected with the natural, or instinctive, feelings of man. Coleridge, on the other hand, uses the term ordinary life in his Biographia Literia 478. The different terms indicate the differing feelings of the authors on the subject. The term ordinary seems to indicate a more disconnected feeling from nature and seems to be typified more by social standards, while common has a much more naturalistic connotation. This point is well supported in a PMLA article on Coleridge by addressing the use of the Latin phrase lingua communis Sternbach 326. Some critics argue that, rather than diction, this disagreement was over dramatic method but this may be incorrect Parrish 367. Their idea about diction is where the controversy between Coleridge and Wordsworth occurred, which stems from their differing views on common versus ordinary life. .u515ae73fee4e179188b24d227a91695f , .u515ae73fee4e179188b24d227a91695f .postImageUrl , .u515ae73fee4e179188b24d227a91695f .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u515ae73fee4e179188b24d227a91695f , .u515ae73fee4e179188b24d227a91695f:hover , .u515ae73fee4e179188b24d227a91695f:visited , .u515ae73fee4e179188b24d227a91695f:active { border:0!important; } .u515ae73fee4e179188b24d227a91695f .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u515ae73fee4e179188b24d227a91695f { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u515ae73fee4e179188b24d227a91695f:active , .u515ae73fee4e179188b24d227a91695f:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u515ae73fee4e179188b24d227a91695f .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u515ae73fee4e179188b24d227a91695f .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u515ae73fee4e179188b24d227a91695f .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u515ae73fee4e179188b24d227a91695f .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u515ae73fee4e179188b24d227a91695f:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u515ae73fee4e179188b24d227a91695f .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u515ae73fee4e179188b24d227a91695f .u515ae73fee4e179188b24d227a91695f-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u515ae73fee4e179188b24d227a91695f:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: George and Lennies dream EssayWilliam Wordsworth thought that the poem should speak directly from common life by fitting to metrical arrangement a selection of the real language of men in a state of vivid sensation Preface 239. It is in this context that he describes his idea of proper poetic diction, which was the complete opposite of what was considered proper in the late 1700s. He in fact says of his own works diction found in these volumes little of what is usually called poetic diction 244. The diction of a poem is not bound by a set of rules or binding for every poetic composition according to Wordsworth. In his opinion, it is necessary for a poet to choose his own diction because a poet is a man speaking to men 246. The language of common life is the language of nature as well, so it is the best way to describe the feelings of nature. Coleridge, on the other hand, has a more formal idea of what the diction of a poem should be. He says, My own differences from certain supposed parts of Mr. Wordsworths theory ground themselves on the proper diction for poetry from the mouths of men in real life under natural feelings 483. Coleridge doesnt believe that common language can be applied to a wide enough public, or that certain classes wouldnt understand it. He says, My objection is this rule is applicable only to certain classes of poetry, and either need not or ought not to be practiced Coleridge 483-84. He also explains that the common language varies with location, occupation, and culture. Coleridge thought that the proper diction of a poem could not be produced from the vocabulary of common language and had no place in the consciousness of an uneducated man 484. Most critics, such as David Joplin, agree that this opposition in opinion arises from Coleridges more formal idea of poetry Tayebi 94. The second topic in which Coleridge disagrees with Wordsworth is on the application of prose to poetry. He directly addresses this matter in Biographia Literia by quoting from Wordsworths Preface, between the language of prose and that of metrical composition, there neither is, nor can be any essential difference. It is against these exclusively that my opposition is directed 484. Their disagreement on the concept of poetry and prose is in the purpose of each of the methods. Coleridge says that a poem is opposed to the works of science by proposing for its immediate object of pleasure 481. In this statement works of science is in reference to prose, where Coleridge is quoted in the Oxford English Dictionary as The definition of good prose is à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" proper words in their proper places. Wordsworth says that metre is the only thing separating a good poem from good prose 245. Coleridge however elaborates on the distinction between poem and prose by explaining the emotional purposes of each, it is discriminated by proposing itself such delight from the whole, as from each component part 481. This means that in order for the work to be poetry, it must produce natural and passionate feelings from reading the whole, but must also do so simply by reading a small part of the poem. To Coleridge, poetry is different from prose in that, prose does not produce a fraction of the emotions that are produced by a poem, and therefore does not deserve to be called poetry. Oxford gives the definition of prose as an ordinary form of written or spoken language without metrical structure. However, to capture the language spoken by men was the chief objective in Wordsworths poetry. When Wordsworth says, no essential difference between the language of prose and of metrical composition, he is speaking of the ordinary language spoken by men 245. The distinction between poetry and prose discussed by the authors is in agreement that a poem is something better than a work of prose. Coleridge sys this by completely separating the definitions of the two while Wordsworth blends the two terms together by saying poems will be found to be strictly the language of prose, when prose is well written 245. Coleridge and Wordsworth create a definition and criteria for a poem that becomes representative for the ideology of the Romantic era. They thought that a poem should be a careful composition resulting from the passionate feelings that are experienced through nature. They are in agreement on the criteria of a poem being that it must evoke the emotion of passion each time it is written and that it must be written about nature, whether of Earth or of the human experience. The two also believe it is the poets responsibility to put these emotions into words by being knowledgeable about poetry and, most importantly, having a truly intimate interaction between nature and his own mind. The two poets did seem to disagree on the actual proper structure of a poem, however, they both agreed on a basic purpose and technique that brought about an entirely new kind of poem in the beginning of the nineteenth century.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Nirma vs Hul free essay sample

Rural inhabitants arent a different species, but consumers as quirky and demanding of marketers as any of their urban cousins. And just as eager to consume maybe even more so, given their access to messages of consumption via TV, but lacking the easy access that makes urban consumer’s blase. For marketers the potential is huge a country waiting eagerly for their products, providing they can make the effort to export inwards, and learn to play the games by rural rules. And if they dont, the chances are that they will be left behind. Even with the minimal effort put in by companies so far, rural India now accounts for majority, or near majority, consumption in many categories. Rural India is clearly not such an area of darkness anymore, and as a further incentive to keep the lights on, remember that farmers get electricity free! One of the most popular and widely accepted Marketing Myth is that the rural consumers will only buy really cheap mass market brands. We will write a custom essay sample on Nirma vs Hul or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page But the stark reality is that though brands like Nirma lead, but penetration of premium products has also been observed even to the lowest SEC. The percentages may be very small, but given the large universe, the actual figures may be significant Thus when we are aware of the fact that brands like Nirma rule the rural market, it would be interesting to study and analyse their basic marketing inputs the 4P†s 1 NIRMA About the Company Nirma is the Rs. 17 billion Detergents, Soaps and Personal Care Products Brand, a market leader in the Indian detergent market and second largest in bathing soaps the brand NIRMA being one of the worlds biggest in its segment result of its mission to provide Better Products, Better Value, Better Living. The man who altered the clothes-washing habits of the Karsanbhai Patel the chairman of the Ahmedabad-based Nirma Ltd. This chemist who manufactured detergents at home in Ahmedabad in 1969 has certainly come a long way. He worked from his backyard which developed into a soap factory, cycled to retail outlets and hawked his brand at one-fourth of the price of similar products then available. A t Rs 6, Nirma, named after his daughter, was the cheapest detergent vying for attention on shop shelves. By the late 1980s, Nirma had become one of the worlds largest-selling detergent powders. That he rewrote history and gave Hindustan Lever, the Indian subsidiary of the Anglo-Dutch foods and toiletries conglomerate Unilever, a huge headache is wellchronicled. Today he is proud owner of an Rs 2,500-crore Ahmedabad-based soaps and detergents major It has been Patels dream to make Nirma a synonym for quality. Nirma is not merely a brand or a product, it is a dynamic phenomenon, a revolution, a philosophy, he once said. Nirma sells over 800,000 tones of detergent products every year and commands a 35% share of the Indian detergent market, making it one of the world’s biggest detergent brands. Towards this end, he tried his hand at many brand extensions. From toothpaste to salt and matchsticks, they all nestled under the Nirma umbrella. Incorporated as a private limited company, Nirma was converted into a deemed public company and then to a public limited one in Nov. 93. Nirma is an over Rs. 17 billion brand with a leadership presence in Detergents, Soaps and Personal Care Products, offering employment to over 15,000 people.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Sigmund Freud and Breuer and Charcots Influence essays

Sigmund Freud and Breuer and Charcot's Influence essays The most influential figure in the world of psychology, the founder of psychoanalysis, the self-made genius: the great Sigmund Freud. His ideas were not entirely developed independently, but they were truly compilations of ideas forged by the network of intellectuals during the late nineteenth century. Two of the most influential men Freuds life was Jean-Martin Charcot and Joseph Breuer. These men sparked the flame within Freud that set modern psychology ablaze. Both figures contributed to Freuds revelation in the case of hysteria. Each man, of different background and position, made unique contributions to the key that opened the door to psychoanalysis. Without such guide and inspiration Freud would have, perhaps, never made the advances, that he did. Sigmund Freud was born on May 6, 1856, in the small town of Freiberg. His father was a wool merchant; his father was sharp, and good-humored. His mother was animated; she was her husband's second wife and 20 years younger than him, when she was 21 when she gave birth to her first son Sigmund. Sigmund had two older half-brothers and six younger siblings. When he was four the family moved to Vienna, where he lived most of his life. Freud was a brilliant child, he was said to have always been at the head of his class; he went to medical school, which was one of the few possible options for a bright Jewish boy in Vienna at the time. There, he became involved in research under the direction of a physiology professor named Ernst Brcke. Brcke believed in what we now call reductionism, which states: "No other forces than the common physical-chemical ones are active within the organism." (Freud and Beyond, Stephen Mitchell and Margaret Black) This was a popular belief at the time. Freud spent many years trying to "reduce" personality to neurology; he later gave up on this idea. Freud was very good at his research; he concentrated on neurophysiology; he even inve...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Balance Score card (BSC), Beyond Budgeting and Economic value added Essay

Balance Score card (BSC), Beyond Budgeting and Economic value added (EVA) - Essay Example Hence, balanced scorecard provides a clear picture of the tangible and intangible assets, human resource, available equipments, customers range and quality, and the plans necessary for the financial growth of the organization. The under-analysis Coors’ case manifestly states that the scorecard can be applied for multiple purposes particularly in the following dimensions: Articulation of vision and mission statements on the basis of the business plans the management maintains in its mind for the successful implementation of the blueprint drawn out before the commencement of the corporate ventures Assessment of the activities and performances of the managers, employees and workers, and conferring of awards and prizes upon the workforce on showing outstanding performance as well as meeting with the targets determined by the management of the organization. Evaluation of success factors on the concrete foundations of the successes made by the company in past as well as the assessment of improvement plans in the projects met with failure or ended in fiasco in past Precise, complete and accurate presentation of all plans, performances, ambitions and targets to the management in few lines, so that they can evaluate the standing of their company without delaying their meetings with clients as well as other high scale corporate adventures (Answer A): Though budgeting is considered to be the blueprint of all financial matters involved into running the affairs of a company or an organization, yet Star Savers appears to be trying to stop the same. There are few specific reasons behind adopting the policy of surrendering from making and implementation of budget from all levels and scales. The company is of the opinion that budgeting serves as the great hurdle on the way to progress due to the very reality that it does not meet with the changing market scenario on the one hand, and is unable to

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Breaking Out of Paris Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Breaking Out of Paris - Essay Example The stories I could tell you about one celebrity, where he liked to go, and what he liked to do once he got there: you’d be amazed. I was never going to marry any of them, I was just there for the money. I could tell as soon as I went into their house what was sellable, when the maid would be stuck upstairs all day, and how we were going to break in the back and take the lot. Jones was different. He put his hand past me, to lean on the bar, and started quoting me long lines from Surrealist pamphlets and telling me about the freedom of the individual, every few minutes ordering himself another drink, and insisting that I join him. . I don’t know where, or how, but somewhere along the line, I ended up in his room. Once he was asleep, dreams considerably assisted by the consumption of so many cocktails, I went through his things. I know, I know, and you can judge me all you want, but I don’t pretend to be anything more than what I am: a cheap tart with sticky fingers. I have some very pretty dresses though, and I like nice things. As I opened his case, I saw instantly that my first assumptions had been right, and he was not the wealthy young businessmen he pretended to be. There had to have been more than five passports in there, none of them in the name of Cadillac Jones, and each giving a different nationality. I remember staring at the pictures, watching them go fuzzy, and then I don’t remember anything until the next morning. I thought at first he had slipped me a mickey, and I reached out my hand certain that my purse would be gone. Instead, there was a note pinned to the inside: It wasn’t any trouble to get in to see him: I think he knew deep down that this would happen, and he had gone out to find the right women, the thieves and gangs, who could help him pick that lock and walk away. I had thought our meeting a coincidence. Now I know it was as carefully planned and plotted as everything else. He greeted me

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Vertical Crest Equations Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Vertical Crest Equations - Thesis Example Current road network systems require proper and detailed construction to ensure they last long and also handle different vehicles using the road. There are different types of roads. These include stone paved roads, timber track ways, and brick paved roads, tarmac roads among other types of roads. Tarmac roads are most the most common types of roads in the modern world. Road construction is normally controlled by the public sector. Road building is a capital intensive exercise and most roads are accessible to the general public. Road construction involves the making of a continuous path with low grade of stone to allow for passage of vehicles and humans on foot. it begins with removal of vegetation, followed by digging or rock excavations for areas with rocks. The pavement material is then laid. Proper optimization must be done to ensure minimum cut and fill. Road building process encompasses the removal of the top layer of unwanted soil by excavations. Filling the excavated trench with hardcore stones, compacting the stones, lying of tarmac and finally compaction of the tarmac. During road construction several environmental aspects have to taken into consideration. First roads generate considerable air pollution due to cars emissions. Secondly the urban rainfall cumulates to form runoff that flow along the hard surface collecting chemical and meta ls which end up in /major water bodies. Noise pollution is also common to people living near major highways. During road construction, there are number of geographical obstacles experienced by the engineers and the design engineer has to figure out how to overcome these obstacles in the most effective and economic way. One common problem is when designing a road in hilly areas or in areas with sharp decent and ascent. Care must be taken to ensure that the driver can see ahead especially during the night Vertical curves In the design of highways, there are various fundamental transition elements. These include the horizontal and the vertical curves. The vertical curve is important as it provides the transition between two roadways. This allows the vehicle to negotiate the elevation gradually rather than a sharp cut. These vertical curves are used to connect roadways with inclined sections and provide transitions between two grades. They are easy to design as the only requirement is to determine the length of the curve that will accommodate the required sight distance. Type's of vertical curves According to the Department of transportation, There are two main types of curves, the sag curve and the crest curve ,crest curves are applied when the change in grade is positive for example when ascending valleys while sag vertical curves are used when descending on planes and there is a negative change in grade. Properties of vertical curves Regardless of whether it is a sag curve or a crest curve these curves have three points. These points are: PVC: this is also called the point of vertical curve. It represents the start point of the curve PVT : stands for the point of vertical tangency and is the endpoint of the curve PVI: stands for pint of vertical intersection Fig 1 showing the properties of vertical curves For equal tangent curves, half of the length of the curve is positioned before PVI and the other half after. This forms a uniform curve

Friday, November 15, 2019

Genesis And Rise Of Islamic Fundamentalism Religion Essay

Genesis And Rise Of Islamic Fundamentalism Religion Essay Introduction Religious fundamentalism is not a new term rather it is as old as the religions itself. The world has seen, felt and suffered due religious fundamentalism in some way or the other since time immemorial. The same is true for Islamic fundamentalism. Islam, however, has off late been more associated with fundamentalism than any other religion in the world. Fundamentalism in Islam is also referred as Islamofascism. The term Islamofascism is included in the New Oxford American Dictionary, defining it as a controversial term equating some modern Islamic movements with the European fascist movements of the early twentieth century. The term is used in this manner by writers like Stephen Schwartz and Christopher Hitchens, to describe Islamist extremists, including terrorist groups such as al Qaeda. William Safire makes particular note of Hitchens as a popularizer of the word, though Hitchens declines credit for coining it.  [1]   Susceptibility of Islam to Fundamentalism Islam is like any other religion; however, it is associated with fundamentalism than any other religion in the world. Fundamentalism in Islam is the result of its origin. It came into being in 500 AD when Christianity and Judaism were in its full blossom. Quran-The Holy Book of Islam is a philosophical yet one of the most exhaustive set of rule imposing strict guidelines for day to day functioning for its followers making Islam more susceptible to fundamentalism. The philosophical roots of Islamic fundamentalism are largely the result of a conscious attempt to revive and restate the theoretical relevance of Islam in the modern world. The word Islam means submission, or the total surrender of oneself to God. Therein lays its strength as well as weakness. Total surrender to God imparts spectacular potency to religious faith wherein no questions are asked regarding its convictions or statute. Equally, it leads to blind following in the interpretations of various diktats as pronounced by the Ulemas or Islamic scholars. The empowerment of Islam, which is believed to be Gods plan for mankind, is sacred and therefore may be (interpreted by some as must be) pursued by any means.  [2]   Reasons for Fundamentalism in Islam Colonialism and Western Dominance. Ever since Islam came into existence, it continued to flourish and was widely accepted in the Middle East, Africa, Central and East Asia. It reached its Zenith by 16th Century. However, in 17th and 18th Century Western Powers, started colonialism towards East resulting in Western cultural dominance over other religions and regions in all spheres of life. Islam too was greatly affected by the imperialistic rule of West and subtle but certain downfall of Islam commenced. The famous Indian poet Muhammad Iqbal (1877-1938) vividly expressed the commonly held view of the soulless multilayered Western civilization in its varied manifestations of capitalism, communism, secularism, and liberalism, draining Islam of its inherent vitality. This created a feeling of anti-Westernism and nostalgia for the glorious past; which is the major contributory factor for the contemporary fundamentalist movements. Response to Overpowering Pace of Modern Revolutionization. Mr Modernization and technology has been the biggest boon for the society. But with it also came the evils of cultural changes of nuclear family, materialism and degeneration of social values. In Mr Volls opinion Islamic fundamentalism is a direct response to rapid modernization and cultural changes that threaten to dilute Islamic identity by a syncretistic mix with un-Islamic elements. Urbanization, in addition to diminishing social and cultural value has also resulted in high unemployment, steep rise in poverty and sharp inequalities in wealth distribution. These overwhelmingly and rapid economic, social and cultural changes have resulted in an acute sense of dislocation, identity loss, alienation and anomie and are the social-psychological background to the Islamic resurgence. Reaction to Failed Islamic Liberalism. Islam is governed by stringent and strict laws as written in the Holy Koran and its followers are expected to adhere them in in their daily life in totality. It is this facet of Islam which makes it more radical than any other religion in the world. Likewise, Islamic radicalization in part is a reaction to the failure of Islamic liberalism in the late 19th and 20th centuries. While the radicalists fight both with the modernists, who recognize a broad elucidation of Scripture and assume Western ethics, and also the liberals who favor a democratic system of governance on the Western model. Radicalists disapprove these views and look for a come back to the original foundation of Islam, while reapplying them to the modern milieu. Crisis of Frail Authority of Secular Nations and Governments. Another cause is the persistent crisis expressed by the weak legitimacy of the very idea of the nation-state as well as of the existing secular regimes. This crisis is evident in the pervasiveness of autocratic regimes and in the continuing segmentation of society along tribal, ethnic, and religious lines. The political, social, and economic failures of the secular state is seen as an important contributor to the rise of Islamic fundamentalism as a mass-based response demanding radical change. Fundamentalists tend to blame the modern secular nation-state and its Westernized elites for all the ills of society. Defeat of Islamic States Post World War II. Creation of Israel, defeat of Arab nations in 1967 and 1973 in the Arab-Israel Wars, dismemberment of Pakistan in 1971 and the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979 acted as catalysts in the spreading of Islamic fundamentalism. It gave Muslim world a sense of disappointment, disgrace, helplessness, and loss of self-worth. It developed in animosity and hostility against the local administration that botched to react to the need of their societies. It also resulted in the hatred aginst the superpowers which too failed to support the cause of Islamic states and saw in them an oppressor and aggressor. Modern Socio-Political Regimens. Modernization provided access to global education and new socio political equations. Secularism was one such thought that spurred Islamic fundamentalism; one of the reasons for promoting an Islamic awakening. Rise of the religious fundamentalism across various religious cultures was according to Jurgensmeyer (2001), that the radical religious groups rejected the liberal values of secular institutions. This was particularly considered, by the Islamic religious hierarchy, as the main cause of societys decline and loss of religious inspiration. These radicals also, refused to accept boundaries of secular society which keeps religion a private observance and not the public sphere which they thought were contrary to basic Islamiic tenets. Equally, the conservatives sought to restore religion as central to social life. They also saw foreign domination as a symptom of Muslim weakness, and its elimination as the key to Muslim power. Such domination could be a ttacked directly by jihad against foreigners.  [3]   Failure of Modern Institutions. Modernization in many countries did not yield requisite outcome. Modernization in these countries failed for host of reasons to include lack of infrastructure and stable government, illiteracy and wide spread unemployment. The failure of modernization in such state gave enough reason to the conservatives to force the established governments and convince the people to revert back to the basics of Islam and shun secularism and liberalization. Also the western liberal strategists failed to contain the religious overtures in the Islamic states, further bolstering the radicalists to adopt and enforce the fundamentalist Islam in its present form. The failure of liberal governments to revitalize the states gave people the option of reverting back to the Islamic values which if nothing else gave them the false sense of superiority and gave hope to bring back the lost glory to the so believed superior religion. This drew marked religious responses resulting in a spate of Islamic fundamentalist movements. Moreover, the failure of democratic and secular state to deliver further strengthened the case of conservatives giving rise to fundamentalist forces.  [4]   Conclusion At the end of the 20th century Islamic fundamentalists have become active participators in mainstream Muslim society all over the world, led by a new class of modern-educated elites. For many Muslims Islamic revivalism is a social rather than a political movement aimed at implementing a more Islamically oriented society. For most fundamentalists, however, the establishment of an Islamic system does necessitate the creation of an Islamic state, and the mainstream Islamic fundamentalist movements have become major actors within the system while the violent radicals continue to confront the state. The moderates demand participation as equals in the democratic process, while the extremists threaten violence and revolution.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Conflict Between Barbarism and Reason in Lord of the Flies Essay exampl

Conflict Between Barbarism and Reason in Lord of the Flies      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   William Golding's Lord of the Flies is a carefully constructed fable that was, in Golding's words, "an attempt to trace the defects of society back to the defects of human nature." (Grigson 189). The novel shows a group of English boys reverting to savagery on a Pacific island. The book deals with the conflict between humanity's inner barbarism on one side, and the civilizing influence of reason on the other.    Each of the two characters I have chosen to contrast and compare is presented in the novel as the most influential representative of each of the two sides. Jack, the chief of the hunters, representing the hidden human passion and almost animal cruelty, and Ralph, with Piggy and a few other children, who is representing human common sense. When the reader enters the book, they find the whole group of the boys on a small island after they had been evacuated from their hometown and after their plain had crashed leaving them on the island with no grown-ups.    At the beginning of the book the position of Jack and Ralph is more or less equal. They are both well-conditioned boys of school age, who find themselves on a lonely island with some other boys of various age, but not older than themselves. They share similar opinions about their situation and its solution. They both want to be rescued and taken home. They both realise that there are a lot of things they must do to survive on the island until all of them get rescued. And lastly, they both are dominant types, but yet at the beginning of the novel they both acknowledge each other's authority and behave to each other in a friendly way.    At the return Ralph found himself alone... ... Epstein, E.L. "Notes on Lord of the Flies." Lord of the Flies. U.S.A.: Puntnum Publishing Group, 1954. 185-90. Fitzgerald, John F. and John R. Kayser. "Golding's Lord of the Flies: Pride as Original Sin." Studies in the Novel 24 (1992): 78-88. Golding, William. Lord of the Flies. U.S.A.: Puntnum Publishing Group, 1954. Golding, William. "Lord of the Flies as Fable." Readings on Lord of the Flies. Ed. Bruno Leone. Sand Diego: Green Haven Press, 1997. 88-97. Houston, Daryl L. 1995 "Golding's themes" taken from The Concise Encyclopedia Of Modern World Literature (1963) ,edited by Geoffrey Grigson, New York, Hawthorn Books Inc., pg. 189-190 Woodward, Kathleen. "The Case for Strict Law and Order." Readings on Lord of the Flies. Ed. Bruno Leone. Sand Diego: Green Haven Press, 1997. 88-97.   

Sunday, November 10, 2019

The Marion

The Marion nine men were Alexander H. Curtis, Joey Pinch, Thomas Speed, Nickolas Dale, James Childs, Thomas Lee, John Freeman, Nathan Levert and David Harris. They worked to provide an education for black children of Marion. Curtis was the most influential of the group and later led the push to reorganize Lincoln School into state institution. He was a member of Alabama Legislature for eight years and he loved the respect of his fellow legislators.With Alma Freeman he wrote an essay about Alabama State University and said as efforts to desegregate state college systems increasingly threaten the very survival of higher education for black Americans. Thomas Speed was a 56 year old black smith and North Carolina native who could not read or write, but had gathered some personal property through his business operations. Joseph D.Caver a graduate student in the department of history at Alabama State completed his masters thesis, titled Marion to Montgomery: A Twenty-Year History of Alabam a State University, 1867-1887. Which presents a quite scholarly and sensitive analysis and documentation of state. On founders day all faculty and students are expected to be in attendance to uplift the vast works performed by our predecessors in making of ASU.It is our current tradition that the event be held in the Joe L. Reed Acadome. The presidents of Alabama State at the time are William Burns Paterson (1878-1915), John William Beverly (1915-1920), George Washington Trenholm (1920-1925, Harper Councill Trenholm (1925-1962), Levi Watkins (1962-1981), Robert L. Randolph(1981-1983), Leon Howard (1983-1991), Clifford C. Baker (1991-1994), Joe A. Lee (2001-2008) and William Hamilton Harris(1994-200/2008-2012).

Friday, November 8, 2019

Star of the Sea Commentary Essays - Physical Geography, Oceanography

Star of the Sea Commentary Essays - Physical Geography, Oceanography Star of the Sea Commentary The passage from Star of the Sea was written by Joseph O'Connor . It is a piece of narrative prose which takes place on a passenger ship. The passage is written in a third-person subjective narrative mode. The extract takes place at a point in the storyline as the ship is passing through a violent storm at sea, which portrays the forces of nature The passage starts with a sense of an atmosphere, "The music of the ship was howling around him." This sentences is very filled with visual and auditory imagery. The opening sentence creates a feeling of a fast-paced rhythm in its brief expression. The pace reflects the craziness of flooding rain and surging sea. The metaphor of the ship's "music howling" brings an auditory imagery which symbolizes the storm, which overwhelms the singular pronoun "him" just as the storm overwhelms the Star of the Sea. As well Nature overwhelms the Man. "The low whistling; the tortured rumbles; the wheezy sputters of breeze flowing through it" gives a sharp feeling with its short phrases, which gives the sentence certain rhythm. The repetition of similar vowels ("whistling", "wheezy", "breeze") creates a hollow sound that are similar to that of a gust of wind at sea. All of a sudden there is a quickness and urgency that is showed in the use of the present progressive tense: "Rolling. Foaming. Rushing. Surging." The repetition of the ending " ing " and the similarly short, onomatopoeic verbs create the image of rapid increase and decrease. The sounds of these words recreate the loud surges of rushing water. The waves begin to grow and this can be seen by the increasing amount of consonants ("thicken", "swell", "strength"), and now it is a "battlement almost crumpling against its own weight, the metaphor of the sea as a "battlement" compares it to the structure of defense. It is like the water is waging war against the boatand almost overcoming itself in its own power. The metaphors of war become more common as the comparison of the Star of the Sea to a war horse , "bucking" in retaliation to the sea's attack upon the boat. The crash of the waters upon the frail passenger boat is compared, through simile ("Like a punch thrown by an invisible god"). The invisible god represents the way of Nature. Nature is like God, when it leaves Man awe struck when the Man is engulfed. The people of the boat feel the strength when Nature strikes the boat; "He was aware of being flung backwards, into the edge of a bench, the dull crack of metal against the base of his spine". The onomatopoeic expressions "flung" and "crack" created by auditory imagery the intensity at which he is thrown, the harsh consonants reflect the brutality of the descriptive noise of his spine hitting the metal of the bench. The ship is very noisy. The ship itself makes a sound just like the waves. The voice of the ship reminds me of someone screaming for help. "The ship creaked violently" and then when the ship went into defensive strategy in a weak attempt to combat nature, "pitched into a tilt, downing slowly. " In this defense mode the ship almost overthrew its own passengers, which suggests to a previous image of the bucking horse knocking over its rider. A commotion takes place on board which creates a chaotic image of fear and panic, by the highly emotive description "clamor of terrified screams", a "hail of cups and splintering plates", a "starboard [lifeboat] snapped and swung loose like a mace, shattering through the wall of the wheelhouse", all the adjectives gave a incredible amount of consonants which mirror the loud chaos aboard the ship and illustrating how violently the Man-made objects are able to be destroyed. The visual imagery of the "hail" of cups, the "splintering plates" and the lifeboat as a "mace", a weapon of battle which has now turned on its own creator, symbolizes, and how vulnerable Man is compared to the wrath of Nature. The consonants become more shrill with the next words when the boat squeals a "shredding skreek " as it begins to

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Portrayal Of A Venetian Scene By Clement And Brangwyn

Portrayal Of A Venetian Scene By Clement And Brangwyn In comparing and contrasting the etchings of Anna Clement's Rialto at Venice and Frank Brangwyn's Venetian Scene, we have to look at the different ways the artists portray their subject matter. Despite their common theme we can see from the outset that they are treated differently by each artist. There are similarities in the illusion of space, volume and shading between the two but lighting, use of line, composition and framing are very different from each other. The Clement piece gives us the impression of the bridge as a fine architectural monument with intricate and elaborate designs. While Brangwyn is more interested in portraying a daily Venetian scene rather than concentrate on the bridge, he does show that the bridge plays an important part for the people in Venice.The title of Clement's print helps us in identifying the subject matter of the etching. It gives us a specific place and knowledge of the etching and this assists us in identifying with the artwork.English: The Sto rys playing The Brangwyn Hall, Swa...

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Personal Assessment of Management Skills Assignment - 1

Personal Assessment of Management Skills - Assignment Example The areas that I scored the highest were in the motivation segment and the solving problems creatively. These two areas showed that I love coming up with solutions for a specific problem. I also love motivating others by giving them advice and counselling them when the need arises. Two areas that showed that I needed improvement were gaining power and influence and building effective team and teamwork. It is important that I learn how to positively influence other employees to lead them in an effective manner. I should develop better skills in building teamwork with my colleagues. This is because teamwork is a significant aspect for any organization. After noting down my personal scores, I also noted down the scores of my associates. These are people who know me well enough to be in a position to rate and assess my management skills. From the results, I was able to determine the areas that showed the greatest variance between my personal assessment and the assessment of my associates. The areas that showed the greatest variance are motivating others and empowering and delegating. There are reasons that can explain the great variance in these two areas. In motivating others, my associates may have considered the instances where despite my efforts, I may not effectively motivate others as they expected of me. In empowering and delegating, my associates could have also overlooked the small acts of motivation I make to people without necessarily having to talk about

Friday, November 1, 2019

Corporate governance and business ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Corporate governance and business ethics - Essay Example They are respecting and encouraging the shareholder rights, protecting the interests of all stakeholders, performing the board’s responsibilities properly, following integrity and ethics, and having transparency in transactions. Business ethics too has become an important subject at academic level and also within major organisations. This interest in business ethics is visible in the big organisations’ evident emphasis on promoting non-economic social values. In simple terms, business ethics aims at handling situations where there is a possibility of business going unethical. In other words, as businesses function in social and natural environment, they are supposed to be accountable towards the environment and society they exist in. In the present business climate where there are multinational giants, the paths chosen by these companies have huge impact on the lives of people. There are a number of subjects that come under the purview of general business ethics. The fi rst one is corporate social responsibility that deals with the ethical rights among companies and also towards society. In addition, it deals with the moral responsibilities and rights that exist between a company and its stakeholders. Another matter is the relation among different companies, especially during takeovers, and espionage. Another factor is the issues associated with corporate leadership, and political contributions by the company. A look into history will prove that the rise in interest in business ethics has its beginning in 1970s. Before the world wars, the business world was full of unethical practices ranging from colonialism and slavery. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is the obligation of a company to be responsible to all of the stakeholders in its operation to achieve sustainable development, not only economically, but also in social and environmental dimensions. In other words, corporate responsibility means the responsibility of the company towards all its stakeholders ranging from owners, investors, employees, customers, government, suppliers, competitors and the community. In the words of Kotler, and Lee (2008, p.3), corporate social responsibility is the commitment of a company to improve community well-being through its operations and contributions. Nokia: The Company in Concern The company that is considered for analysis of corporate governance is Nokia. The company had its beginning in the year 1865 in South-Western Finland as a forest industry enterprise, and the founder was a mining engineer named Fredrik Idestam. By the beginning of 1989s, Nokia strengthened its hold in telecommunications and consumer electronics markets. As Parthasarthy (2006, p. 338) reports, there were number of acquisitions ranging from Mobira, Salora, Televa and Luxor. In addition, it acquired parts of the German Standard Elektrik Lorenz, French company Oceanic, and Dutch company NKF; and in the case of corporate governance, Nokia follows Helsinki, N ew York, Stockholm, and Frankfurt stock exchange rules and recommendations as applicable (ibid). The company runs in accordance with the provisions of Finnish Companies Act, and the control and management of Nokia, the Articles of Association, is divided among the shareholders, the Board of Directors, the President and the Nokia

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Bauhaus and Modernism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Bauhaus and Modernism - Essay Example This essay discusses that the main concepts of the Bauhaus began in Germany in the early 1900s, specifically when World War I and World War II began to dominate the lifestyles of those in the region. The philosophy was based on the changes that were within society and how this led to different perspectives of what was important to those in a given culture. The basis of this was known as being a logical positivist, which embraced futuristic and avant – garde ideologies. It was understood that this particular concept of philosophy was one that not only demanded the change toward mathematical and economic associations with art. There were also values that were placed on the changing culture, specifically because of the wars which were taking place. As the report declares, Europe and America began to experience a profound shift in sensibility that would lead to an explosion of creativity in the arts, transform moral values, and in time reshape the conduct of life throughout Western society† This basis was followed by other concepts which were associated with the understanding of Bauhaus and the movement toward modernism in Germany. The art and architectural forms that were a part of the movement were one of the main associations made with the Bauhaus movement. The philosophy developed was based on simplistic forms and colors as well as a synthesis between the two. Unification of the forms and colors were then able to create a different focus on the ideology of the subject and what was being said.... This essay stresses that the desire to create a sense of innovation and modernism then became reflective of the ideologies of the Bauhaus movement, specifically in trying to find a definition that created the perception of modernism. The similarities of defining modernism then became a part of the art and architecture that was in both America and Europe. When looking at the different movements and the artistic works, it can be seen that there are similarities specifically in the definition and philosophy of modernism. When looking at these two artistic concepts, it can be seen that there is a direct relationship to creating shapes, forms and specific colors with the art. The Bauhaus perspective is based on incorporating mathematical concepts and philosophies of technology, specifically to re-identify art into a modernist perspective. The later work of Dove uses these same philosophies, specifically which takes the subject matter of the mountains and makes it into what one could define as a modernist work. The concept of Bauhaus and the American modernist movement have changed the way that many looks at the idea of modernism. Bauhaus worked as the precursor to American modernism with several philosophies, including the art, craft, and philosophy of defining modernism. The early influences of those that were a part of America from the Bauhaus movement, as well as the incorporation of different ideologies in trying to find the meaning of modernism led to different understandings that created the modernist philosophies.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Carol Ann Duffys poetry Essay Example for Free

Carol Ann Duffys poetry Essay Delilah by Carol Ann Duffy has an undeniably sexual element running throughout an element which is highlighted by its suggestive language and presentation of gender roles between the characters Samson and Delilah. Many of Duffys poems have a similar element running through them such as in Salome, Little Red Riding Cap and Pygmalions Bride therefore it can be said that her poetry is mainly concerned with the politics of sex. However, Carol Ann Duffy states in an interview in 2005 that Delilah is not about sex but is a love poem exploring the nature of Samsons wish to become gentle, loving and tender. This would therefore suggest that the main concern of the poem is more to do with love, power and gender. There are several references to sex throughout the poem, however the most direct reference comes in the fourth stanza where Samson fucks Delilah. This is in stark contrast to his request in the third stanza only three lines above of wanting to learn how to care, or be gentle or loving or tender. Despite wanting to become gentle, Samson fucks Delilah rather than makes love to her, implying that his wish was only a half-hearted one i.e. a wish he only makes but not something he would act upon. He fuck(s her) again further shows this is not the first time Delilah has been fucked suggesting a repetitive nature of this act. Furthermore, Delilah allows herself to be fucked through Delilahs submission, Duffy could be making a statement that women can not break free from this subordinate role in sex. Samsons language is also sexually suggestive, possibly implying that a man can not have his libido driven out of him regardless of the situation. For example, in the second stanza Samson is boasting about his achievements which demonstrate his strength and fearlessness, however he is distracted by a sexually suggestive note, telling Delilah to put your hand here -. This continues in the third stanza; he asks for a cure for his inability to be gentle and in the following line proceeds to fuck her as though he believes the cure is in fucking her. The situation Samson opening up to Delilah about something personal- would usually be assumed to be free from anything conjuring violence however Samson fucks her anyway suggesting that regardless of the time or place, sex is something which remains rampant in a mans mind. On the other hand, it could be said that rather than sex, the main concern of the poem is with power distribution in this relationship. Whilst many would argue that Delilah was dominated by Samson in the poem due to the sex, in the end Delilah cut Samsons hair which biblically represented the demise of his strength. Cutting his hair in the poem may be symbolic of her dominating Samson as she has successfully seduced him and at his most vulnerable (during slumber) she has taken away his strength. This is also in sync with the biblical story in which Delilah disarms Samson and gives him up to the Philistines, ultimately dominating him. Sex is only a way by which Samson is pacified after which he goes to sleep and becomes soft, thus vulnerable. Furthermore, Delilah cuts Samsons hair with deliberate, passionate hands suggesting she enjoyed disarming him and stealing his power away from him. This is a reversal of the typical gender roles in literature and Delilahs passionate hands may be showing that Delilah enjoyed this. Furthermore, the idea that Delilah had to pacify Samson through sex suggests an element of power on Delilahs side as sex was a method through which she satisfied Samson and put him to sleep, leaving him vulnerable. Duffy may be making a statement through this that women can use their sexuality as a weapon to weaken men and thus overpower them. This interpretation is concerned with both sexual politics and power distribution demonstrating that Duffys poetry is not only concerned with the politics of sex.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Essay examples --

Chapter 9 Homework: Substance Use Disorder Tanya Varkey Psychology 270 March 11th, 2014 Chapter 9 Homework: Substance Use Disorder Substance use disorder is a condition in which an individual depends on a substance, harming his or her mental health. In such a disorder, the continued use of the substance can affect a person’s normal functioning in correlation with the society. For example, the overuse of the substance leads to behavioral issues, which in turn, causes the person to fail in meeting the standards of work and or family matters. Substance intoxication refers to the state of being high due to the effect of the psychoactive substance used. The substance can be either a stimulant, increasing activity level, or a depressant which tends to slow down a persons’ activity level as well as awareness. Such substances are abused because individuals feel that they will be able to avoid uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms (Rosenberg and Kosslyn, 2011). Its’ negative cognitive effects such as not thinking properly nor having proper judgment can make a big impact upon an individuals’ abilit y to perform activities of daily living. Depressants is a category of drugs that individuals with substance use disorder consume. A depressant drug abuse can impede the activity of the central nervous system, causing decreased awareness and reduced activity of the brain (Rosenberg and Kosslyn, 2011). Tolerance and withdrawal are symptoms that depressant users display if the substance is used on a regular basis or even if it is discontinued (Rosenberg and Kosslyn, 2011). Examples of depressants include alcohol and types of sedative-hypnotic drugs such as benzodiazepines and barbiturates. Sedative-hypnotic drugs such as barbiturates and b... ... where the person experiences a blackout, meaning they are not able to recall what happened while he or she was drunk. In terms of treatment, abstinence is the main goal. Cognitive behavioral therapy is also provided in that it may eventually lead the person to understand that such an alcohol abuse can have several consequences leading to a harmful health. In terms of application, there is an Indian actress named Silk Smitha. Due to the fact that she was not a successful producer, had financial difficulties, as well as romantic issues, she eventually slipped into depression. Such a depressive personal life led her to be a constant abuser of alcohol. She believed that this substance abuse will help her out mentally so no medical treatment and help was sought. As time progressed, her depression and dependence on alcohol grew, eventually leading her to commit suicide.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Explain Bentham’s Utilitarianism: (30 Marks)

Explain Bentham’s Utilitarianism: (30 Marks) A man called Jeremy Bentham had a theory called the ‘Utilitarianism theory’. He was born in London at the time of the great scientific and social change and wrote ‘The Principles of Morals and Legislation’ in 1789. Bentham had the theory that all humans seek pleasure and avoid pain at all costs. Utilitarianism has been described as an act or a rule rather than a theory. We break this down into three parts: -Motivation: Bentham was a hedonists (‘Hedone’ is Greek for ‘pleasure’).Bentham suggests that humans are motivated by pleasure and seek to avoid pain in every circumstance. Bentham quoted ‘Nature has placed mankind under the governance of two sovereign masters, pain and pleasure. It is for them alone to point out what we ought to do, as well as to determine what we shall do. ’ Basically he is trying to say that humans pursue pleasure and fight to avoid pain, and beli eved that this was a ‘moral fact’, also that pleasure was the ‘sole good’ and pain was the ‘sole evil’, meaning humans naturally seek and avoid it.For example smoking, people know that it will harm them and damage their health but they smoke for the pleasure, giving up would be very difficult and would therefore cause pain that they’re trying to avoid. There are also very different examples from different peoples viewpoints such as.. * People who are motivated by pleasure: A person lives their life to go to Heaven. This means that the thought of going to Heaven (pleasure) motivates them to be a good person. * People who are motivated by pain: A person lives their life to stay away from Hell.This means that the thought of going to Hell (pain) motivates them to be a good person. -Principle of utility: utility means ‘usefulness’, this is Bentham’s moral rule. Once Bentham had identified pleasure and pain (moral) he conti nued on to the ‘utility principle’. This is where every action is judged by the rightness and wrongness by its utility (usefulness) to produce pleasure. Bentham said that pleasure is the cause of happiness, so it can be used interchangeably in the utility principle, so an action that causes or roduces the most happiness is the most moral. Everything is based on the end result, if the duration causes pain but it means it will end in pleasure, the utility principle is applied. Bentham devised a theory about ‘The Greatest Happiness For The Greatest Number’.This is explained best when split into two parts; * ‘The Greatest Good’- Good is the maximisation of pleasure so if an action is right it will produce the greatest good for the greatest number. The more pleasure that an action produces the better it will be. ‘Greatest number’- The ‘Democratic Theory’ is put in place, this is Bentham’s rule that pleasure canâ€⠄¢t be for one person alone. The maximum happiness for the most people should always been chosen when set with a range of choices in a moral decision. An example of ‘The Principle of Utility’ using the ‘Greatest happiness for the greatest number’ theory would be the assignation of Hitler, yes a person’s life would be taken and murder will be committed, but the death of one person would save many others people’s lives and cause happiness for the greatest number. Hedonic Calculus: was Jeremy Bentham’s system to measure how good/bad a consequence is. So if we was to calculate the greatest happiness for the greatest number, we must determine the quantity of happiness that will be produced from this action.The way that thus us evaluated is by applying these seven values: 1. Intensity- How intense it is (strong). 2. Duration- How long it lasts. 3. Certainty/ uncertainty- How sure it will happen. 4. Remoteness- How near it is to happening. 5. Richness- Like hood of repetition, how much pleasure it will lead to. . Purity- How free from pain is it? 7. Extent- How far reaching will be the consequences. The Hedonic Calculus system is a Quantitative assessment of situations, it is therefore concerned with the quantity of pleasure (it produces the highest amount of pleasure) for the greatest amount of people. An example and the set out to figure out a moral dilemma would be a question like: ‘Should I abort my disabled child? ’-then to figure out if it would be more pleasurable or painful it would be set like so: | Pleasure| Pain| . Intensity| 3/10| 7/10| 2. Duration| 7/10| 4/10| 3. Certainty | 9/10| 8/10| 4. Extent| 7/10| 6/10| 5. Remoteness| 8/10| 6/10| 6. Richness| 8/10| 5/10| 7. Purity| 2/10| 7/10| Total result:| 44/70| 43/70| So in conclusion- According to the hedonic calculus, the women would go and get an abortion because it would be the greatest good for the greatest number. So that is Bentham’s Util itarianism Theory all explained through three parts, the Motivation of pain and pleasure, the Principle of Utility and the Hedonistic Calculus.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Analyzing the Buyer Decision Process by interviewing two consumers

The buyer decision process is like an imaginary process that the consumer undergoes in buying a product or a service. This process happens before, during, and after purchasing the product or a service. The concept of this process says that a consumer undergoes different ‘stages’ whenever he is involved in a transaction of a product or service. These stages include Need recognition, Information search, Evaluation of Alternatives, Purchase decision, and Post purchase behavior (Kotler, 1999). Recognition of the consumer’s needs can be caused by internal or external stimuli.Examples of internal stimuli are a person’s needs such as thirst and hunger. External stimuli, on the other hand, consist of advertisements, slogans, magazines etc (Kotler, 1999). In the case of Person A, she saw the ice cream in a poster and that’s what made her buy the particular ice cream because it looks delicious. Person B, on the other hand, bought the ice cream simply because s he felt the need of cold food because of the climate. In that situation, Person A’s need of ice cream is caused by an external stimulus while Person B’s need is caused by an internal stimulus.By analyzing the answers of the interviewees, we can say that climate and advertising are one of the factors that influenced the buying behavior of the two consumers. Information about the product can be made known by the consumer through personal, commercial, public, and experiential sources. Personal sources can be family, friends, and close relatives. These are actually the most effective source of information. An example of a commercial source is a salesperson. Usually, most of the information about the product can be made known through this kind of source.Public sources include mass media. Experiential sources exist when the consumer already tried the product, or experienced it (Kotler, 1999). When asked about their source of information about the ice cream, Person A said tha t she saw the ice cream in a poster while Person B answered that a friend told her that the particular ice cream tastes good. Person A’s source is belongs to Public sources while Person B’s source belongs to Personal sources. When asked about the importance of their source, Person A said that her source is not really that important.On the other hand, Person B said that her source is important (her source is her friend) because the ice cream was recommended by her friend and that she trusts her friend. The next step in the process is the evaluation of alternatives. In this stage, the consumer evaluates the features of the products and many other factors (Kotler, 1999). Person A said that before buying the ice cream, he considered the price, the flavor, and if she will be satisfied after consuming the product. The same thing goes for person B. She also said that she considered the product price, flavor, and her satisfaction afterwards.When asked how they evaluated these alternatives, they said that they just look at the product and the information that comes with it. In this case, the buying behavior of the consumers is influenced by the product’s features. The purchase intention is the consumer’s want to purchase her most preferred kind of the product (Kotler, 1999). Person B said that in deciding what flavor of ice cream to buy, she just looks at the flavors and recalls about her experiences about these flavors. Person A answered just the same as Person B. Person A said that she chose vanilla because it is her personal favorite.Person B said that she is in the mood for chocolate that is why she chose that particular flavor. In this case, factors that influenced the buying behavior of the consumers are experience, personal choice, and mood/emotion. Post purchase behavior is like the evaluation of the consumer after purchasing the product or a service (Kotler, 1999). In the end, the consumer can be satisfied or dissatisfied. When aske d about describing their level of satisfaction, both interviewees answered that their level of satisfaction is high and that they were both satisfied. Why?Because the outcome of their purchase met their expectations. Many other factors might have affected the buying behavior of the two consumers. Demographics might have also contributed on the purchase of the ice cream. Since there are 3 ice cream parlors in located near the consumers’ place, demographics might also have affected their purchase. If there are no ice cream parlors in the place, they may not be able to purchase ice cream. Reference: Kotler, P. (1999). Principles of marketing. Retrieved April 30, 2007, 2007, from http//:cas. uah. edu/berkowd/webpage/MKT600/KOTCHA05. PPT

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

African Yoruba Drumming

African Yoruba Drumming Free Online Research Papers There are many things that set Yoruba drumming and Shona mbira music apart from one another. Most plainly of which is the sound that each produces. Typically, Yoruba drumming consists of a section of drummers playing various sizes, shapes and styles of drums, and is usually accompanied by vocalists. The mbira is a pitch and tone producing instrument that is plucked, rather than a percussive instrument that is struck or beat. Therefore, Mbira music is almost never accompanied by anything other than another mbria. However, the dundun drum itself is widely known for it’s ability to produce a wide range of pitches, also known as the â€Å"talking drum†. The use of dundun drums in African culture plays an important role, due to its close relationship with the African language of the Yoruba people. Because the African language is tonal, the dundun drum imitates the speech patterns of the language when it is played, hence the nickname â€Å"talking drum†. In the Eegun oje, a Yoruba masquarade, the dance is usually accompanied by bata, an ensemble of conically-shaped, double-headed membrane drums, and one of Yoruba’s most ancient instrumental ensembles. A bata ensemble consists of four drums: the iyaalu (the mother drum), and three supporting drums (the omele abo, the omele ako, and the kudi). The omele ako and the kudi often play very repetitive patterns and rhythms, while the omele abo often engages in dialogue with the iyaalu. The iyaalu is played by a master drummer, whose text-based improvisations are accompanied by the ostinato patterns of the supporting drums (Omojola, 2005, par. 2). Yoruba drumming is most often performed during rituals, or masquerade dances, in which a number of dancers dance to rhythmic cues given to them by the master drummer, and those not dancing often partake in a call-and-response style of vocal singing. However, vocals are perceived to be more of an accompaniment to the more dominant drumming. The texts of the songs were often sung as self-praise to motivate the dancers into action. Although many masquerades are used to represent the ancestor spirits of the Yoruba people, the Eegun oje is not. It is used plainly for entertainment. The representation or worship of ancestor spirits in song is one of the few things that Shona mbira music shares as a similarity. The Shona people have strong beliefs in life after death, in the sense that when death occurs, the spirit of the loved one transitions to another plane of existence. It is important to the Shona people that when this occurs, they stay in close communication with the deceased, in order to guide the spirits away from danger. They believe that the music of the mbira provides the most important means of communication to these spirits. The mbira consists of three rows of different sized metal strips, attached to a wooden resonator that are plucked to create different pitches. Cowry shells or bottle caps are also attached to the box, causing them to vibrate when a metal strip is plucked. One of the most important types of mbiras is the mbira davadzimu. It is an instrument closely associated with spirit possession ceremonies, known as the bira. In a bira ceremony, the mbria is played to create an open line of communication between the living and the dead. Although both the Yoruba and the Shona have affiliations with the spirit world, the difference is that the Shona use music to actively communicate with the dead, whereas the Yoruba typically just use music to worship spirits and gods in rituals and masquerades. Mbiras are typically played by themselves, indoors, but can also be played outdoors with the addition of a deze, a calabash resonator used for amplification. It is also not uncommon for Mbria players to play along with other Mbira players, or with the help of shakers and light percussion sections. In comparison to the four different drums sections used in the Eegun oje, there are typically two parts in mbria music: a leader (kushaura) and a follower (kutsinhera). Typically these parts are played by two different players, but they can also be played by a single, virtuoso mbira player. References: Omojola, B. (2005). Exploring the landscape of african music. OnMusic of the World. Retrieved January 26, 2009, from Default.aspx?(aa0unv55grguqz55zizmyd55) (bhnbf545znprvprbp0c0aj45)Event16. Research Papers on African Yoruba DrummingHip-Hop is ArtWhere Wild and West MeetComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoBringing Democracy to AfricaAnalysis Of A Cosmetics AdvertisementThe Spring and AutumnThe Masque of the Red Death Room meaningsRelationship between Media Coverage and Social andThree Concepts of PsychodynamicAssess the importance of Nationalism 1815-1850 Europe